Dear brothers and sisters,
Please get out of the SDA church or any other Babylonian
church before the 7 last plagues fall upon the earth because at that time
probation will be closed. There will no longer be an intercessor between guilty
man and God after Jesus Christ our High Priest finishes His work as Mediator in
the sanctuary above and makes the announcement that “He that is unjust, let him
be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that
is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy
still” Rev. 22:11. Now while probation is still open is the time by the grace
of God to form characters that are after the image of Christ. The righteousness of Christ cannot be imputed
upon anyone whist he or she is still in sin or sharing the sins of Babylon.
Hence, the warning, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every
unclean and hateful bird….Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins
have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” Rev. 18:1-5.
The Testimony of Jesus describes Babylon as, “religious
bodies that were once pure and have become corrupt.” E.G. White, The Great
Controversy 1888, p. 383. Whether you
are a conference member or non-conference member, as long as you still view the
SDA as God’s church, you will partake of her corporate sins. The Bible says “You
will leave your name for my chosen ones to use in their curses; and the
Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants He will give another
name” (Isaiah 65:15) NIV. You can only be a true SDA or an Adventist or
Protestant or an Israelite inwardly (Romans 2:28,29). Outwardly and literally
you must have nothing to do with these organizations because they are corrupt
and are cursed.
The condition of the SDA church today (2024) is as exactly as
predicted by the prophetess Ellen White in Letter 242, 1903. Many warning, reproofs and
encouragements from God were given to the SDA church to come out of the Laodicean state of lukewarmness but they refused. For
example, in 1898 they were warned that, “If the church
of God becomes lukewarm, it does not stand in favor with God any more than do
the churches that are represented as having fallen and become the habitation of
devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and
hateful bird” Letter 35, 1898.
And because the SDA church refused to come out of the Laodicean
state of lukewarmness, the satanic reformation predicted by the prophetess in Letter 242, 1903 has been fulfilled:
new organization” has been “established” whilst retaining the name Seventh Day
Adventist and is structured in a form of a hierarchy contrary to God’s order (General Conference Bulletin April 5,
principles of truth that God in His wisdom had given to the remnant church” has
been “discarded” by diluting them e.g.
Sanctuary doctrine.
of a new order” have been written e.g. in 1932 the Church Manual replaced the
Bible and the Holy Spirit as the church creed and the book Questions on
Doctrine published in 1957 undermines all the old landmarks.
Sabbath” is “lightly regarded as also the God who created it” e.g. Sunday is
now the Lord’s day as shown by the book From Sabbath to Sunday by SDA pastor S.
Bacchiocchi in 1977 and his credentials was never revoked.
has been “allowed to stand in the way of the new movement” e.g.
dis-fellowshipping over 1300 Hungarian members in 1984 for protesting against
the church’s membership in the National Council of Free Churches.
SDA is now a member of Babylon, the Christian World Communion which is a member
of the World Council of Churches
founders of this new system” have done “a wonderful work” in that membership is
over 22 million and over 21 million adherents and the SDA church is worth over
$15 Billon.
Just like
the Protestants and the church at Rome before them, in order to secure millions
of converts, the exalted standard of the Christian faith has been lowered, and
as the result a worldly flood, flows into the church, carrying with it its
customs, practices, and idols. As the SDA church secures the favour and support
of secular rulers, it has been nominally accepted by multitudes; but while in
appearance Christians, many remain in substance pagans and worship in secret
their idols.
All that remains to be fulfilled is the
“storm and the tempest” i.e. 7 last plagues preceded by the National Sunday
law. Then the “storm and the tempest” will “sweep away the structure”, this
being the destruction of the SDA church and the rest of Babylon.
God’s true church right now consists of individuals or small
house churches because the church is in the “wilderness” state i.e. in
obscurity as was the true church in the dark ages when the Catholic church
ruled supreme. It went into the “wilderness” state because the SDA church after
the passing away of our pioneers failed to carry out its God given mandate as
explained above. God is now busy preparing His true church for the final
battle. So, it rests with those that remain true to God’s word to finish the
The sifting that is being done right now is among the
Remnants, those that left the SDA church because it became Babylon. That is why
once you separate from the SDA church by heeding the call in Rev. 18:4, you
should also heed the counsel of the True Witness and buy from Him “eyesalve”
that you may be able to discern between the true Remnants and the false
Remnants. Then buy also from Him “white
raiment, that thou mayest be clothed” with the righteousness of Christ and of
course you will need the “gold tried in the fire” which is the faith and the
love of Christ (Rev. 3:18).
May Jesus Christ have mercy upon you is my prayer. Lesiapeto
@ The Remnant of Her Seed