1888: The righteousness of Christ by faith message rejected
But God was long suffering towards His chosen people, and He was not yet ready to punish them and let them go even though they would not repent. So, he sent them still another message which is, righteousness by faith, but through a different channel consisting of 2 young pastors, A.T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner. This was to be the turning point for the Seventh Day Adventist church. It came at the General Conference of 1888 in Minneapolis. God was telling the SDA that He cannot accept a legal religion where the commandments of God are kept outwardly but inwardly there is no purity of heart. Although this message was included in the Laodicean message where the True Witness’s counsel is to buy of Him white clothes which stands for the righteousness of Christ imparted to the believer by faith, the church paid little heed to this message as seen by the previous posts. Like the Laodicean message this was a testing message but being more to the point by focussing just on the imputed righteousness of Christ by faith. It was only when His people were clothed with the righteousness of Christ by faith could the latter rain fall, and the closing events occur, and Jesus would finally come the 2nd time to redeem His people and destroy the wicked.
The prophetess Ellen White was elated when she heard this message and encouraged the delegates to accept it saying it was from God. But most of the leadership rejected the message including the president of the General Conference even though he was not present due to illness but was continually communicating with some of the delegates.
And so through the prophetess God rebuked them saying:
“Satan has been having things his own way; but the Lord has raised up men and given them a solemn message to bear to His people to wake up the mighty men to prepare for battle for the day of God’s preparation. This message Satan sought to make of none effect, and when every voice and every pen should have been intensely at work to stay the workings and powers of Satan, there was a drawing apart; there were differences of opinion…
“Elder E. J. Waggoner had the privilege granted him of speaking plainly and presenting his views upon justification by faith and the righteousness of Christ in relation to the law. This was no new light, but it was old light placed where it should be in the third angel’s message. What is the burden of that message? John sees a people. He says, “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. This people John beholds just before he sees the Son of man “having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.” Verse 14.
“The faith of Jesus has been overlooked and treated in an indifferent, careless manner. It has not occupied the prominent position in which it was revealed to John. Faith in Christ as the sinner’s only hope has been largely left out, not only of the discourses given, but of the religious experience of very many who claim to believe the third angel’s message.
“At this meeting I bore testimony that the most precious light had been shining forth from the Scriptures in the presentation of the great subject of the righteousness of Christ connected with the law, which should be constantly kept before the sinner as his only hope of salvation. This was not new light to me for it had come to me from higher authority for the last forty-four years, and I had presented it to our people by pen and voice in the testimonies of His Spirit. But very few had responded except by assent to the testimonies borne upon this subject. There was altogether too little spoken and written upon this great question.” Manuscript 24 1888.
As Satan was busy inspiring men to rebel against the message presented at the meeting in Minneapolis, the Lord gave His prophetess a night vision of what was taking place in their dwelling places:
“In the night season one of God’s messengers stood by my side and asked: “Did not I raise you up when you were sick nigh unto death in Healdsburg? Did not I put My Spirit upon you and sustain you to bear your testimony in Oakland? Did not I, your Lord strengthen you to come the long journey to this place? Have I not kept your mind in peace amid the strife and confusion of tongues? And now I have a work for you to do in this place. My everlasting arms are beneath you. I have given you a message to bear. I will show you many things.”
“I was conducted to the house where our brethren made their homes, and there was much conversation and excitement of feelings and some smart, and, as they supposed, sharp, witty remarks. The servants, whom the Lord sent were caricatured, ridiculed, and placed in a ridiculous light. The comment of words passed upon me and the work that God had given me to do was anything but flattering. Willie White’s name was handled freely, and he was ridiculed and denounced, also the names of Elders Jones and Waggoner.
“Voices that I was surprised to hear were joining this rebellion, and those with whom I had labored in past years, without any evidence or any sure knowledge of any change in Sister White, were hard, bold, and decided in denouncing her. And of all those so free and forward with their cruel words, not one had come to me and inquired if these reports and their suppositions were true…
“After hearing what I did, my heart sank within me. I had never pictured before my mind what dependence we might place in those who claim to be friends, when the spirit of Satan finds entrance to their hearts. I thought of the future crisis, and feelings that I can never put into words for a little time overcame me. “But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in their synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers, and kings for My sake, for a testimony against them.” [Mark 13:9.] “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake; but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” [Verses 12, 13.]
“Then the words were spoken, “Only lay hold of the strength of the Mighty One. He is a friend that will never leave thee, never betray thee, and He is thy refuge. No storm or tempest can move thee. In God is thy strength. Faith in God is thy shield and buckler. His grace is sufficient for thee.”….
“The guide which accompanied me gave me the information of the spiritual standing before God of these men who were passing judgment upon their brethren. They were not keeping their own souls in the love of God….
“I had declared my intention of leaving the meeting as soon as the Sabbath should close, but when I was assured I had a work to do to stand at my post, that God had given me a message to bear in His name, even if I had foreseen the consequences, I could not be clear before God and have my peace [if I left the meeting]. And my work must not cease here, for my testimony of this character must continue as God should direct until these wrongs were expelled from the churches.” Lt 14, 1889
“An unwillingness to yield up preconceived opinions, and to accept this truth, lay at the foundation of a large share of the opposition manifested at Minneapolis against the Lord’s message through Brethren Waggoner and Jones. By exciting that opposition, Satan succeeded in shutting away from our people, in a great measure, the special power of the Holy Spirit that God longed to impart to them. The enemy prevented them from obtaining that efficiency which might have been theirs in carrying the truth to the world, as the apostles proclaimed it after the day of Pentecost. The light that is to lighten the whole earth with its glory was resisted, and by the action of our own brethren has been in a great degree kept away from the world.” Letter 96. 1896.
As can be seen from the letter above, the battle between Christ and Satan was raging hot with Christ desiring to prepare His people to receive the Holy Spirit as the disciples received it on the day of Pentecost but with much more power, and Satan working to oppose this by inspiring his agents in the church to oppose the message.