Lt 9, 1893
Belden, Frank E.; Belden, Hattie
Bank’s Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand
July 12, 1893
Dear Nephew and Niece,
I have read your letter with deep interest, hoping to catch the vibration of the right ring in it; but if it is there I do not discern it. I am much concerned in regard to your spiritual condition. For several years you have not been walking in the light. I have had much concern for you, but when I learned by experience [that] my words had not much weight with you, I felt sorry indeed, but could do nothing to change the course of things.
Before, and especially after, the Minneapolis meeting, I had not union and harmony with you. When you made some acknowledgments in letters received while we were at Adelaide, I was rejoiced, hoping a work had begun that would progress until you would be walking in the light, as Christ is in the light. I have trembled for you lest you would clothe yourselves with garments of your own self-righteousness, and would not follow on to know the Lord that you might know His goings forth is prepared as the morning.
I have been shown your connection with Captain Eldridge has not been for his good nor your good. You seem to feel some bitterness toward me in that you say, I said you were selfish. Now, just how this was stated I cannot now recall. I might have said many things in truth as your case was presented to me, that I have not said, because I knew you were walking in blindness and knew not that at which your feet were stumbling. Anything I might present before you would not be correctly represented to your understanding, and you would not benefit thereby.
I have kept silent since receiving your letter. I perused my writings for the one I read on one occasion when you and quite a number of others were present. I had looked for this during my eleven-months’ illness, but could not find it. I sent that which I could find and then decided this testimony was left in Battle Creek. But in the last search made, the mystery was explained. The first two or three pages were stitched in. I turned these pages over and find the very article [that] I read to no less than thirty [people]. I am relieved to find this. I will have it copied as soon as possible, and you and others shall have a copy.
Yes, my dear nephew, matters are laid out plain and distinct. I found the article just after the operation with my teeth. They were extracted last Wednesday, and I am not yet able to write much.
While you and Captain Eldridge were so firmly linked in one, your influence over each other was not good. You might with your knowledge of what is truth, and of the principles that have controlled the work and cause of God, have helped him. But I say again, self and selfishness were so strongly mingled with your work and, while connected with the office, as it was presented to me, in life and works, that the Spirit of the Lord could do little with you, and little for him.
In the meetings of councils I have been present, and was bid to see and mark the spirit which controlled these councils of which I had an insight. There was not one in these councils whose voice was heard in propositions, plans, and resolutions [more] than the voice of my nephew Frank Belden. There was a self-sufficiency, a molding of matters and things, not all after God’s own order. There was a mixture of policy and principles, so interwoven and calculated to mislead minds, and lead in false paths. From these meetings decided impressions were made on my mind. I saw from the working of things, the spirit controlling the movements, that the enemy was gaining the ground, and misleading minds; but you were insensible to the fact.
Warnings I was constrained to give continually in Battle Creek, for I saw danger; but the warnings given by pen and voice had but little effect. They were not heeded because minds were so blinded that they were not seen to be applicable. The Lord moved upon me to bear a decided testimony in reference to the office, but it was felt not to be appropriate. But this writing is before me and has been read to no less than thirty. I shall have it copied, that you may see, and others may see, how much such testimonies were effective to cure existing evils.
There was, with those put in trust [of] the grave responsibilities of managing the office, a feeling of self-sufficiency, self-confidence, because of inexperience in sacred things. They thought they were too wise to be taught and too secure to need caution, and if no one makes shipwreck of faith and a good conscience, I shall be surprised. Mistakes, I saw, would be made, and the men who are handling sacred things were not inclined to be controlled. Were they confidently relying upon the wisdom from above? no, but on their own supposed superior wisdom and prudence. O, how sad to see men of little experience put on airs of importance, and act as though their own judgment of men and things were infallible. I know that things are not right, now, in the office.
You speak of Henry Kellogg. I know that Henry Kellogg has not been learning lessons in a school that will better qualify him to be clothed with the spirit of meekness and dependence upon God to stand as a wise director in the publishing house. And had you felt your weakness and humbled your heart before God, in the place of leaning to your own understanding, it would have been so much better for you and Captain Eldridge, who had everything to learn in the religious life. If Captain Eldridge grows in grace and the knowledge of the truth, he has some hard lessons to learn. The sooner he learns these lessons the better for him and his family. When men feel self-sufficient, even if they have been captain to command men a long time, if they are not brought under perfect obedience to God’s will, to be under control, learning daily submission to God, they will not become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.
Our God will not be trifled with. I entreat of you for your soul’s sake to waste no time. You have been lukewarm long enough. Does it pay you to throw your reflections upon me because someone says I said you were selfish. Is this an impossible thing, my brother in Christ Jesus? I repeat, the Lord did show me you were selfish, and you must see yourself as you have not yet done, else you must assuredly make shipwreck of faith. When, O when, has been your depth of piety, your zeal for God, corresponding to the position you occupied?
If you will resolve now to be wholehearted and unselfish and persevering in your Lord’s service, and will act with an eye single to His glory, discharging every duty and improving every gracious opportunity, then you will unlearn some lessons you have been learning the past few years. [You] will come into the school of Christ to learn of Jesus, and will, if a diligent student, realize a transformation of character, and receive Christ’s mold upon you, and become complete in Christ Jesus. You will be a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. The Lord will make you then a channel of light.
In regard to yourself, you have been far from leading a life which would meet the requirements of God. And should accidental death surprise you I fear greatly for your future. I could not say it is well with Frank for he sleeps in Jesus; but I should greatly fear that you would in that great day be “weighed in the Balance and found wanting.” [Daniel 5:27.] You had better lose everything on earth than heaven. No man can know what it means to be sanctified to God, unless he seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. He must humble his soul before God, be ready to sacrifice anything and everything rather than the favor of God. Cultivate love and affection for religious devotion. Better far give up earth than heaven. You need now to look well to your ways, that your feet slide not. The character of every desire and purpose is as clear, you well know, before God as the sun in the heavens.
You have, my dear brother in Christ, not cultivated spirituality and grown in grace. Self in you must die. Self-importance must be laid in the dust. O, remember that God is a present God, and that you have a fearful account to render at His bar unless your sins are washed away in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. You should be able to say, “I have seen the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” [Psalm 16:8; Acts 2:25.] You must be renewed, transformed, converted, and your whole life should be ordered and fashioned after the likeness of Christ. God has given you capabilities and talents to use wholly to His glory. God will not accept a divided half-and-half service.
The comprehension of spiritual things has been growing dim, and the several years of experience you have had has not made you more susceptible to holy influences. The channels of thought, desires, and actions have been growing deeper and broader by separation and habit, and tending to a fixedness of character; and unless this is broken up as soon as possible, and your experience is of a different, higher and more unselfish order, it may be pursued as long as life lasts. There needs to be a great breaking up with you and habits formed to meet the mind and will of God. For Christ’s sake, lay hold of the work.
You will make a success in performing Christian duties with faithfulness and regularity if you will die to self, and obedience will become habitual. You will consult your Bible. You will be much with God in prayer. You will bear an humble heart, [and] broken testimony in the congregation. In all appropriate places you will be as humble as a little child. You work to save souls to Jesus Christ, and shun the very appearance of evil, and endeavor to constantly build up the kingdom of Jesus Christ. We must all soon meet Him as He is, and you want sheaves to present to the Master. Your time, your talents are God’s, use them to His glory.
I press it home to your soul, you have no time to lose. It is life or death with you. Your Aunt Ellen loves your soul too well to gloss over your present condition. God has a work for you to do, and you can do it if you are truly and genuinely converted. You must not be hesitating and unreliable as you have been at times, your light flickering, and bewildering and betraying rather than guiding them in safe paths. O, you must have a different experience! God help you, my dear brother in Christ. God help you and Hattie that you will not turn away as you have done, from His testimony given to you; but walk in the light. Put on the robe of Christ’s righteousness. Prepare for heaven by yielding your soul, body, and spirit to God. Jesus has bought you with a price, God loves you both, and I am constrained by the love I have for Jesus and your souls to warn you to make no delay. Seek God day and night till you find Him to the joy of your souls.
I have labored earnestly for Byron. I expect he will be a laborer for the Master. I send you a letter I sent to him. He is in the school; I told him I would see him through this term. He is in need of all the light and knowledge of the Word he can obtain. He is putting his whole mind to the work. God will help him. Your father is in straightened circumstances. I wrote to Willie to draw $2.00 per week from the Echo office and add to what he shall earn to keep him, if he needs it. He shall not be brought in straightened, uncomfortable places, if I have to support him entirely; but he earns something carrying the students to and from the school. Vinnie is doing laundry work for the students and she earns something, and your father works on the school grounds and earns something there, so we think he will get along.
Byron has helped him a great deal, so much so, that when he lost his situation in the office he had nothing left to use to go to school. But Byron has acted nobly to your father, constantly helping him, purchasing him entire suits of clothing and in many ways he has helped. Byron has been unselfish, liberal, and kindhearted. May the Lord bless him, and give him wisdom and understanding.
We are guilty of sin every hour we delay and neglect this great salvation, for before the world and angels and men we are in character saying, I will not have this man Christ Jesus to reign over me. We resist God’s methods of transformation of character and grace. Men heap up wrath for themselves against the day of wrath. Continually refusing to yield the will to God’s will hardens the heart, and finally God leaves the human agent to his choice. There is less and less tenderness of soul, less and less susceptibility of the Spirit’s warnings, entreaties and drawings. The human agent refuses to incline his heart religiously; he will not take a step from the ranks of Satan to stand under the bloodstained banner of the cross of Christ, but stands a mournful spectacle of resistance to the world, to angels, and to men.
“And when he came near he beheld the city and wept over it, saying, O that thou hadst known, even thou in this thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes.” [Luke 19:41, 42.] Why did not the guilty nation know? Because they could not? No, because they would not. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, (and ye could not, no,) and ye would not!” [Luke 13:34.]
Lt 9a, 1893
Brethren in America
Wellington, New Zealand
August 1, 1893
Dear Brethren in America,
I am thankful to be able to write to you that I am improving in health; and although I have passed this winter in the city of Wellington, which has not a healthful climate because of constant storms and high winds, yet the Lord has blessed me. I was nearly prostrated for some weeks, about two months passed.
I had an appointment to Petone and the subject I thought to speak upon was the necessity of growth in grace, but it was taken from me. In its place a most solemn warning was given me for the congregation in regard to the withdrawal of the Spirit of God from the world and the judgments of God, which were plagues of sickness, disasters by sea and by land, destruction everywhere in our world by fire and flood, earthquakes in “divers places,” and the words of Christ, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the days when the Son of man is revealed.” [Luke 21:11; 17:26-30.]
I felt deeply the power of God resting upon me as I warned the people that the end of this earth’s history was soon to close, and we could see the fulfillment of the words of warning of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are indeed in the time which Christ has foretold would be the state of our world.
The Spirit of the Lord was upon me, and from that time I have had physical strength. For a while before, I was unable to write, my mental machinery was about <ready> to stop; but it was quickened by the power of God, and I praise His holy name for what He has done for me in giving me the “balm of Gilead,” and the healing power of the great Physician. [Jeremiah 8:22.]
We see a great work to be done in this field, and [we] long to have facilities to work with. I will speak of Wellington. It is a place where churches are abundant and [there are] plenty of ministers. But I have never been in a place where prejudice was so perseveringly and determinedly carried on as it is in this place. This is the capital and great center of New Zealand. A mission should be established here. A church, if ever so humble, should be erected. It will take money to do this.
It is not God’s plan, although the gold and silver are His own, to send His angels from heaven to build churches in any town or city. He has made man His almoner, His steward of trust, and the Lord’s field is a very extensive one. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” [Acts 1:8.] This was the commission given to the disciples, and here has been a place where the people have determined that the banner of truth should not be lifted. There is a branch of the International Tract and Missionary Society established here; but there is no house of worship, and no one who obeys the truth, of any means, with the exception of one man, Brother Mountain; and there are none who have a house they own. We have to be dependent upon halls, and the church members will not come to these halls. There is a skating rink, where temperance meetings and religious meetings were held in the summer season, but this is owned by a proprietor of a brewery, and all these things are barriers in the way.
Ministers tell their congregations that there is danger of them in going to hear [the Adventists]. They tell them that they have not any special interest in Wellington, that they have no one who will believe in their doctrines. If they should make some church members believe in their doctrines, <and they have no one to represent them there,> where will they go to worship? They have no place to worship. They are only adventurers. They will come to the place and preach their devilish doctrines, and mislead the minds of the people, and then go away and leave them. And “Where would you be should you be deceived by these strange doctrines?”
And yet God has a people in this place; and how can we reach them? Only through a steady, persevering effort carried on judiciously. A humble house of worship should be erected, and the people know that they are not to be left out in the cold. Many minds are half persuaded, but dare not make the final decision. Workers are needed, and money is needed to erect a house of worship. If we can get a hold here, then the door is opened to get a hold in other <large> cities. Dunedin and Christchurch are prominent places.
Brother Masters and family live in Dunedin and are doing quite a large work in canvassing for our books. He is sure and safe, and true as steel in his business with the office in Wellington. The money is always ready to be returned when the books are delivered, <which is a rare thing in this country.> We have been holding meetings in Elder Israel’s house. We have done everything possible to get the people out to the halls, but they would not come. <We have to preach much to secure empty seats.>
Sister Dr. Caro, a dentist, came from Napier, a ten hours’ journey on the cars to Wellington to extract my teeth and prepare the way for an underset of teeth which I greatly needed. There was a minister on the cars from Ormondville where Brother McCullagh is laboring, and who opposed him fiercely. He was in conversation with a minister from Wellington, and they were comparing notes. One said that McCullagh was doing much harm in Ormondville, but he thought that he had thoroughly settled the business with him. The minister from Wellington said that there had been a Mrs. Starr and a Mrs. White in Wellington trying to fasten their heresies upon the people. But they warned their congregations not to go in to hear. “Well,” said the minister from Ormondville, “I heard they had no success in Wellington.” And the reply was, “No, but we find the minds of the people are unsettled, and they managed to get the people uneasy, and they are plying us with questions hard to be answered.”
This was the substance of the conversation, related by these ministers, that Sister Caro overheard on the train coming here. And we know that there are quite a number interested and inquiring and “unsettled.”
Sister Tuxford and I were walking out one day, and an aged man, venerable in appearance, came toward me with every expression of joy upon his countenance, grasped my hand, and said, “How glad I am to see you. My son just saw you <from> his grocery store <on the corner> and said, ‘There is Mrs. White coming down the hill.’” Said he, “I did not wait one minute. I rushed out to meet you and speak with you. I heard you preach several times in Auckland. And I thank the Lord your words went right to my heart.” The son came up and introduced the aged gentleman as his father. The son is also interested in the truth. He has a license as an exhorter from the Wesleyan church.
I had a favorable interview with the father, Mr. Langford, and his son requested an interview with me. I gave the father Steps to Christ and Patriarchs and Prophets to take with him to Auckland. His family are bitterly opposed to him. They are Wesleyans. He is a believer in some other doctrine as well, for he believes in the gifts being in the church. He wrote after his return home that his wife and daughter were reading the books given by Sister White, and they were greatly changed in spirit. We expect that they will attend the meeting in Auckland in October or November.
Then there were several who attended our meetings regularly, who are business men. They believe the truth but are halting, having not decided to obey. If we could have a house of worship, we think a church could be raised up here without a doubt. But without one thing to give character to the work here, we cannot see how these people will be warned. The ministers are active, and Satan’s seat seems to be in this place. But it is too important a place to be yielded without a strong effort, and this cannot be without some evidence. The truth will be vindicated and sustained in Wellington.
I cannot express my feelings. Sometimes I think it is best for me to return to America, for we can do so little. When our people in America shall feel that this field is as important as the fields in America, that souls are <just> as precious here as there, I think they would not take the whole, or nearly all the money from the treasury to add building to building; and in the face of all our pleading <and warnings given in reference to this subject for years, they> carry so light [a] burden for these foreign fields, tying our hands so we cannot work, only to the greatest disadvantage. We have nothing wherewith we can make even a start by calling out the people. And unless something more is done than our brethren have yet done in these fields, I wish to return to America <as soon as possible> and leave the burden of responsibility upon the <conference.> I think a few of the responsible men had better visit this part of the world and get their eyes open and their view extended to see there are many places where there is nothing being done. If they should send a few thousand dollars that are being invested where the truth has a firm hold, and give us something to work with, to give us even a standing place to unfurl the banner of truth that others may rally around the standard, it would be wholly in accordance with the commission of Jesus Christ. The important missionary work ought to have more money and more workers.
We have come here to this country, with my workers, which has cost me, personally, an extra two thousand dollars from my own means, beside the large extra expense of the conference to do a work, but without [your] furnishing us with <facilities> [and] the things we have earnestly pled for. I entreat of you to extend your vision and broaden your ideas in the place of investing so largely in your supposed necessities and swallowing up all the available means in the treasury. Give us something [so] that we may work in cities where there are not any souls who have an interest in the truth, who must be warned and aroused, and [then] the kingdom of God shall be built up.
God does not purpose to do your work, but He requires that you give some chance that the seeds of truth may be sown in places where the soil has never been broken. The seed sown in these cities will be watered by the Lord of heaven, and there will be an increase. The leaven of truth must be first hidden in the meal before it will leaven the lump. Once get the truth planted in new fields, in cities where they have never heard, and then the increase and progress will follow.
The people know nothing of the truth. <They are ignorant of truth.> They know nothing of the reasons of our faith. They believe what the church ministers tell them. And is there then to be no effort made, that they shall know <what is truth for this time?> What can be done in these cities without money to start the work? If you continually see places where you think <you can> use the means to advantage, must these countries be left and the ground not plowed nor sown? Will the Lord be pleased with this kind of neglect?
The field is the world. America is not the whole world, only a little piece of it. I know there are many calls for means in all foreign countries; but here there is such a condition of means, financially, that we cannot depend on means coming from these fields until we have some facilities to till the soil and sow the seed.
I think I shall have to turn my face homeward and go among our churches in America, and see if I cannot arouse an interest that something shall be done, <for all I may trace with pen and ink, seems to be regarded as idle tales.> I never expect to return, myself, to this field, but I can see that some workers, even private families, <ought to> get the missionary spirit and come this way.
Dear brethren, I will write a few words more. What I ask is, What were we sent here for unless to understand by observation the real situation and needs of the field, and report, for you to send us the facilities to use <in> this country. I fear I made a mistake in using the royalty on foreign books where the books were sold; I thought that was the right thing to do, <and> to use only the royalty upon foreign books sold in America. But when I see and feel our bare-handed situation here, I know that things are not as God designed they should be.
I am reminded of a family of children. One is more prepossessing than the others, and that one is favored. Gifts and considerations are made without stint, <with partiality,> and the others are left to get along as best they can. I think this is a good symbol of the present things in America and this country. God knows we have done what we could, but [we are] crippled in every way; our hands tied, without workers or money. The places that have nothing done in them need money and devising and planning to create an interest. I rejoiced when I heard that the Holy Ghost had been poured out upon our people in America, and I have been anxiously waiting new developments in America as was seen after the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost. I thought similar fruits would be seen, that the missionary spirit of God would burn in the hearts of all upon whom the Spirit of God was manifestly moving.
If there is not a decided change in spirit and [in] the character of the work, if men and women have received increased light, what are they doing? What are they doing to warn men and women who do not understand that the Lord is soon coming? He goeth out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the world for their iniquity. “The earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” [Isaiah 26:21.] Where, I ask, is the burden for souls that are perishing out of Christ? Who will go forth without the camp bearing the reproach? Who will leave pleasant homes, and dear ties of relationship, and carry the precious light of truth to far off lands, but not beyond the domain of God? Every day and every moment <comes> to those who have entrusted to them the light of truth with terrible significance, that men and women in every clime and land are fitting themselves—for weal or woe fixing their own destinies—for eternity.
God has expended amazing sacrifices upon men, and mighty energies for the reclaiming of man from transgression and sin to loyalty and obedience, but I have been shown that He does nothing without the co-operation of human agencies. Every endowment of grace and power and efficiency has been liberally provided, and the strongest motives presented, to arouse and keep living in the human heart the missionary spirit, that divine and human agency may be combined. What more has been done in self-denial, in moving out of Battle Creek, in carrying the light, the influence of God’s Spirit testifying to the truth, to regions where the standard has never yet been lifted? Did the Lord of heaven open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing at the last conference? What use have you made of the gift of God? He has supplied the motive forces of which He has made a lodgement in your hearts, that with patience and hope and untiring vigilance you might set forth Jesus Christ and Him crucified, that you [might] send the note of warning that Christ is coming the second time with power and great glory, calling men to repent of their sins. If Battle Creek does not arouse now and go to work in missionary fields, they will fall back into deathlike slumber. How did the Holy Spirit work upon your hearts? By the energies of the Holy Spirit it was stimulating you to exercise of the talents God has given. Let every man and woman and youth employ them to set forth the truth for this time, making personal efforts, going into the cities where truth has never been and lifting the standard.
In the blessing God has bestowed upon you, have not your energies been quickened, and the truth, been more deeply impressed upon your soul, and its relating importance to perishing souls out of Christ Are ye <witnesses> for Christ in a more distinct and decided manner after the manifest revealing of God’s blessing upon you? The Holy Spirit’s office work is to bring decidedly to <your> mind the important vital truths. Is this <extra endowment> to be bound up in a napkin and hidden in the earth? No, no, it is to be put out to the exchangers; and as man uses his talents, however small, the Holy Spirit takes the things of God and presents them anew to the mind. He makes the neglected Word to be a vivifying agency through the Spirit. It is quick and powerful upon human minds, not because of the smartness, the educational power of the human agency, but because the divine power works with the human; and it is the divine that deserves all the credit. Shall selfishness and <ease> of those who have earthly comforts, and <attractive> homes and lives of ease, allure us? Shall we cease as moral agencies to use our powers to the saving of souls? Shall our voices be indistinct? Then God will put His curse upon us that have had so great light and inscribe upon the walls of our homes, “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” [2 Timothy 3:4.] He will put a tongue in the stones, and they will speak; but God demands of you in Battle Creek to go forth.
Resolve, not in your own strength, but in the strength and grace given of God that you will consecrate to God, now, just now, every power, every ability. You will follow Jesus because He bids you, and you will not ask, Where? or what reward shall be given? It is well with you if you obey “Follow me.” Your work is to lead every one to the light by judicious, well-put-forth efforts; under the guardianship of the divine Leader will to do, resolve to act without a moment’s delay to make terms with God. When you die to self, when you surrender to God to do your work, to let every ray of light [that] God has been giving you shine forth in good works, you are not alone. God’s grace stands forth to work with every effort to enlighten the ignorant and those who do not know that the end of all things is at hand. But He will not be your substitute to do your God-given work. Light may shine in abundance, but the grace given will not convert your soul only as it arouses you to co-operate with divine agencies. You are called up to be active soldiers, to put on the divine armor, and put forth energy, divine power working with the human to break the spell of the worldly enchantments.
Again I call for the help that we ought to have had, the means we must have, if anything is accomplished in this country. Let your minds be drawn out for perishing souls. Obey the impulse given by high heaven. Grieve not the Holy Spirit by delay. Resist not God’s methods of recovering poor souls from the thraldom of sin. To every man was given his work. Then do the very best with the powers God has given you, and He will accept your efforts put forth with an eye single to His glory. To every man He has given his work according to his ability.
Lt 46, 1893
Prescott, W. W.
Hastings, New Zealand
September 5, 1893
Prof. W. W. Prescott
Battle Creek, Michigan
Dear Brother,
Sister Caro has introduced a subject to me which pains my heart. She opened before me the subject which has been occupying her mind, that is that her sons go to Ann Arbor to prosecute better their studies. And it is supposed that other New Zealand young men will go also. I think the eldest son has decided to go by advice of Dr. Kellogg. It is thought best that the youngest should be with his brother who will be a balance wheel to him. This may be all right. But there have been things which have transpired in connection with the youngest that reveals indiscretion in the management of one of the teachers. Would it not be well when a teacher makes a mistake that that mistake be corrected, just as verily as a mistake is corrected in the student.
Some things have been urged upon my mind with great force of late, and I feel constrained by the Spirit of God to write in reference to them. Has the Lord graciously opened to you the windows of heaven and poured you out a blessing? O! Then, that was the very time to educate the teachers and students how to retain the precious favor of God by working in accordance with increased light, and send its precious rays to others. Has heaven’s light been given? And for what purpose has it been given? That the light should shine forth in practical works of righteousness. When those so abundantly blessed shall be seen with deeper and more fervent piety having a sense that they have been bought with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, and are clothed with the garments of His salvation, will they not represent Christ?
Has not the playing of games, and rewards, and the using of the boxing glove been educating and training after Satan’s direction to lead to the possession of his attributes? What if they could see Jesus, the man of Calvary, looking upon them, in sorrow, as was represented to me. Things are certainly receiving a wrong mold, and are counteracting the work of the divine power which has been graciously bestowed. The work of every true Christian is to represent Christ, to reflect light, to elevate the standard of morals, and by words and influence, consecrated to God, to compel the careless and reckless to think of God and eternity. The world would gladly drop eternity out of their reckoning, but they cannot succeed so long as there are those who represent Christ in their practical life.
Every believer forms a link in the golden chain connecting the soul to Jesus Christ, and is the channel of communication of that light to those who are in darkness. Let one lose his connection with Christ and Satan seizes the opportunity to lead him to dishonor Christ by words, by spirit, by action, and thus Christ’s character is misinterpreted. I ask you, my brother, if the religion of Jesus Christ is not by the excess of the amusements misunderstood. When the Lord gave to Battle Creek the riches of His grace, were there those in responsibility who could have directed these souls as to how to improve upon the endowment given, in doing good, useful work that would give a change from their studies, other than the excitement and emotions caused by their games? This kind of pastime is not improving mind, or spirit, or manners for the preparation for the scenes of trial that they must soon enter. The superficial piety that passes for religion will be consumed when tried in the furnace.
The Lord would have the teachers consider the contagion of their own example. They need to pray much more and consider that the convictions which flow out from a well-ordered life and a godly conversation, from a living, decided Christianity are the preparation of the garden of the heart for the seeds of truth to be planted for a fruitful harvest, and for the Sun of Righteousness when He comes with healing in His beams. Let your righteousness so shine before men, “that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” [Matthew 5:16.] “Ye are,” said Christ to His disciples, “the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” [Verse 13.]
The church illuminates the world, not by their profession of godliness, but by their manifestation of the transforming, sanctifying power of the truth on life and character. Full of activity, all the young, fresh, youthful hopes, affections, under the discipline of divine intelligences so order their intercourse with their fellow-students and with the world, as to secure for themselves a constant intercourse with God, that bears with them a calm and hallowed peace which leaves its influence in blessing wherever they go.
The time is altogether too full of tokens of the coming conflict to be educating the youth in fun and games. It pains my heart to read letters where these exercises are spoken about, and where they write such expressions as “O, we had so much fun,” and such expressions. I do not wish to be understood that I refer to the Caro, young men. I have read most sensible letters from Ned Caro that gave me pleasure. But the question is asked me if I would please to explain to them the advantages of the schools in America above the schools in Australia and New Zealand. I tell you with the light I am receiving it is not altogether a pleasant task. I could only go back to the establishment of the school, and explain why the Lord directed that a school should be established under the control of those who believe the truth revealed in the Word of God. I then related that your connection with the school was in God’s order, then the results in the converting power of God, and I have gathered up the items which I knew were signs of the approval of God.
Before Pomare, the Maori, went to the school (and he had to be sent at others’ expense) he was brought into relation with Mr. Everson and wife, who had once kept the Sabbath but given it up, but he advocated the truth, and several Maoris have had their attention called to the truth, and two have been baptized. These Maoris make very much of their pleasure exercises, games at football and the like, but Pomare seeking the Lord, had experiences such as God gives. He related to Sister Caro his experience, which was decided and firm. He said he had to give up his games of football or he could not rest in the peace of God, and could not feel that he could glorify God in that exercise. Now said, Sister Caro, “when he goes to Battle Creek and finds them engaged in all these sports, I am afraid of the influence upon him. He will become acquainted with some who are engaged in these games.”
“Well, well,” said she, “things are rather mixed up. I must give Pomare to the Lord, but I can but fear that the enemy will come in to make the truth now to him so solemn, so sacred, through the influence of others who have not had so deep an experience under trying circumstances, to be brought down upon a level with common things.” Sister Caro has at her own expense sent several of the New Zealand boys and is hiring money to support them there. You can understand how she is exercised. She says, “My boys write to me inquiring if it is not best to go to Ann Arbor and obtain their education, hire a room and be by themselves, etc.”
Now you know what this must mean. Through association many doors of temptation are open to learn false theories, and at this time I regard the dangers in a more serious light then I have heretofore. I write you these things, that you may see and understand for yourself the situation. I think these boys will go to Ann Arbor and I am certainly feeling that the purpose of God in establishing a college for the benefit of S.D.A. children to avoid the influence of the world and the teaching of doctrines and commandments of men, is being misunderstood by certain ones through practices which are not helping forward in spiritual lines but retarding and confusing the minds that many will not be able to comprehend where the advantage of schools among us as a people, are above schools where there is, they flatter themselves, more educational ability, than in the schools conducted by Seventh-day Adventists.
I have to tell the matter in my simple style, I want you to know this, Brother Prescott. Again much complaint is made in reference to the diet question. I had written, I think, something in regard to this matter, and have had an article waiting to be copied some time, all of four months, but every month brought so great a pressure of matter I did not present it to my copyist, but next mail it shall be sent.
I know not who is cook at the [Battle Creek] boarding hall, but I beseech you, do not place any persons to oversee the cooking of food for the college students unless they have a thorough knowledge of the right kind of cooking, that the students shall take away with them the very best intelligence of what hygienic cooking means. The much liquid food, the pastries, the desserts prepared for the table after European hotel fashion, is not the proper food to place before a hungry lot of students, whose appetites are keen to devour the most substantial food.
The very best thorough cook should be employed. If it were to your own family I was speaking, I would say the same. But it is not merely your own family, it is in behalf of God’s heritage of children I am speaking. No one person’s ideas or tastes or customs or habits are to control the boarding house table, but obtain the very best cook, and have helps that she as matron in the kitchen shall oversee. The students pay for their board; give them good solid nourishing food.
God give you, my dear brother, heavenly wisdom, but for Christ’s sake do not introduce practices of the Gentiles in worldly fashionable habits into the school as though this were the education so essential for them to have. It is not. I know whereof I speak. Now you have some of my reasons why I felt pained in regard to additions being made to the school building, and to the other buildings in Battle Creek.
There are reasons I have sent years ago to Dr. Kellogg in reference to this matter, and I will, if I can find it, send it by next month’s steamer. I send you the copy of a letter which I have written to the Caro boys. I will say, there are more Maoris who are converted, and who have property, but their guardians refuse to let them have even enough to take them to America. I have been solicited by the young men, companion of Pomare, to let him have money to take him to America. I have used up all I have, and I have promised to help him to the school in Melbourne, and will have to hire money to do this. I must now stop. Give my love to my friends, especially Sister Prescott.
Lt 47, 1893
Prescott, W. W.
Gisborne, New Zealand
October 25, 1893
Dear Brother,
Your letter was received yesterday and read with interest, and I have been considering its contents. From time to time I have been compelled to urge our case upon the attention of our brethren at home. We were sent to these colonies by the conference, and again and again I have presented our situation before you at Battle Creek. But in face of all this the policy has been pursued of enlarging the institutions in Battle Creek, adding building to building, in order to accommodate a larger influx. All this is eating up the funds. I know that perilous times are upon us, and pressure for means that we do not now discern.
The course that has been pursued is directly contrary to the light which God has given me. It has been stated in distinct, positive language that God is not pleased with the centering of so many important interests in Battle Creek. The time is close upon us when the reason for this will be understood; it will be no longer a matter of faith, but of experience. Instead of centering everything in Battle Creek, it would be more in harmony with God’s order to let the work be scattered over a greater amount of territory. Battle Creek is not to be a Jerusalem whither all the world are to go up to worship. Too much of our strength is centered there already. In other localities there is need of facilities and means to build up the work. There may be apparent advantages to be derived by the enlargement of the school buildings, but the movement is not in the counsel of God.
There is need of far more consecrated, God-fearing educators. O, how my heart has been pained to see that the precious light given in Battle Creek at the last General Conference was not so cherished that every lamp was kept trimmed and burning, because supplied with the oil of grace. All the revelations of God at the conference, I acknowledge as from Him. I dare not say that work was excitement, and unwarranted enthusiasm. No, no. God drew near to you, and His Holy Spirit revealed to you that He had a heaven full of blessings, even light to lighten the world. But the enemy was allowed to come in and lead minds, and he did just what he will continue to do, if permitted, till the close of time; he allured souls from their allegiance, and led them to turn from the precious light and deep movings of the Spirit of God. A reaction came, and in the minds of many there was left a feeling of contempt, an impression that they might have been deceived, that they were too ardent.
Had the manifestation of the Holy Spirit been rightly appreciated, it would have accomplished for the receiver that which God designed it should—a good work in the perfecting of the character in the likeness of Christ. But there was a want of consecration to God, a lack of self-denial and humiliation, and through misapplication and misappropriation the work has given rise to doubt and unbelief. It is even questioned whether it was the work of God or a wave of fanaticism. And O, how Satan exults!
Truth-loving youth had a precious view of the Saviour and desired to become like Him. Was this deception? No; it is by daily, hourly, beholding the character of Christ that we become changed into His image. And in view of the crisis just before us, the close of this earth’s history so close upon us, there should have been, on the part of all, works corresponding to the light given, and then we might confidently have expected more light. Had all used the light and grace and power that God had given to them, had every conference walked in the light, worked in the light, maintained their consecration to God, what an advanced work would have been done in flashing heaven’s light upon the pathway of others. Not one, even the smallest, ray of light need to have been eclipsed by the hellish shadow of Satan.
But minds were misdirected; amusements absorbed and perverted the mind. Among the youth the passion for football games and other kindred selfish gratifications have been misleading in their influence. Watchfulness and prayer and daily consecration to God have not been maintained. Converse, communion with God, is life to the soul. The light has been beclouded, and it was well-pleasing to Satan to have the impression go forth that notwithstanding the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in behalf of our institutions of learning, and the office of publication and the church, they fell back to be overcome by temptation. Satan and evil workers cast reflection upon God, and His name has been dishonored.
The work of the General Conference might have given character to the school at Battle Creek if all had been under the working of the Holy Spirit, making it as the school of the prophets. But Satan came in as an angel of light and managed the matter that there should be an altogether different history. And this is true not only with regard to students, but teachers.
The instructors ought to have had wisdom to follow the indications of the Holy Spirit, and go on from grace to grace, leading the youth to make the most of the light and grace given. They should have taught the youth that the Holy Spirit, which was imparted in great measure, was to help them to use their time and ability to do the very highest service for the Master, showing forth the praises of Him who had called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. But instead of this, many went more eagerly in pursuit of pleasure.
There were witnesses upon the pleasure-grounds, heavenly intelligences that made the records in the book of God of transactions that many will not care to meet in the day when every work shall be manifest. Not only were heavenly messengers present, but the synagogue of Satan were on the ground to exult that his ingenious methods had in a great measure thwarted the purpose for which God gave the Holy Spirit. God desired to carry the youth forward and upward that they might understand by experience the words of the inspired apostle, “Ye are laborers together with God, ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] Of how many who exhibited their qualifications in the games could this be said?
In the conflict with satanic agencies there are decisive moments that determine the victory either on the side of God or on the side of the prince of this world. If those engaged in the warfare are not wide awake, earnest, vigilant, praying for wisdom, watching unto prayer, weeping between the porch and the altar, crying, “Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach.” [Joel 2:17.] Satan comes off victor, when he might have been vanquished by the armies of the Lord, wearing Christ’s badge.
God’s faithful sentinels are to give the evil powers no advantage. The arch enemy might have been baffled at every point of attack; but unfaithful stewards have let in the enemy, and the glorious light of the Sun of Righteousness grew dim. Truth should have gained a glorious victory in the time when the believers were a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. Then Satan would have lost the game he was playing for the souls for whom Christ gave His precious life. But Satan has been exalted; God has been manifestly dishonored before the world, before angels and men.
Before the heavenly angels, Satan points with bitter irony to the outcome of the manifestation of the light and power of God. Burning with desire for revenge for the loss he had sustained, he used his power to the utmost in leading souls to forget God, that he might interpose himself where God should be. He worked to create distrust of God and to lead souls to misunderstand His divine workings. God designed that the manifestation of His power should place His people on vantage ground, giving them a realizing sense of His goodness, and enabling them, in a degree at least, to endure as seeing Him that is invisible. He designed that they should so use their knowledge and experience as to be successful laborers together with God. But through their passion for amusements, carrying the matter to extremes, as do the world, they turned aside God’s purpose. His name, His power, was not magnified. The words of Christ were unheeded, “Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.” [Matthew 26:41.]
None are safe, whether minister, teachers, pupils, or workers in any line, unless they make God their dependence every moment. In no case are you to allow the unbelieving, worldly element to mold and fashion the order of things in any one of our institutions. God’s power is to have honor and majesty and control and victory.
What is the character of the work before us? Ephesians 5:10-18; 1 Peter 9 [2?]:12; 3:8-10. All who will consent to be laborers with God will work in Christ’s lines. Their mental endowments will be exercised to a purpose, in making those within the sphere of their influence wise and better, uplifting, strengthening the weak, making straight paths for the feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way.
Let none prostitute their powers to self-pleasing, selfish gratification. Money is of value, and none should feel at liberty to use one dime or one penny in selfish indulgence. Those who God has endowed with ability to acquire means are under obligation to Him to use that means, through heaven’s imparted wisdom, to His own name’s glory. Parents, if they are under the control of the Spirit of God, will consider that they are not to use their ability or their money capriciously, to gratify their unbelieving relatives or friends. There are souls perishing out of Christ to be labored for. Then let every responsible agent work intelligently.
This is no time to foster pleasure-loving by providing the youth, as they enter upon their student’s life, with facilities for the playing of games which are a snare to all who engage in them. Use your God-intrusted capital of means to arm and equip men to enlist in the army of the Lord as soldiers of Jesus Christ. Teach them that it is not the indulgence of every whim which youth may suggest that will facilitate their growth in Christian experience. Selfish gratification is the snare and curse of our youth. Their abilities are misapplied. Through erroneous ideas, parents, friends, and guardians—whose money supports them in the school—seek to gratify their desires in order, as they suppose, to make them happy. This very course of action is blocking their way; it encourages selfish indulgence; it prevents them from entering the narrow, heavenward path. O, that the Lord may anoint the blind eyes, that they may see!
It is not impressed upon the minds of the young that self-denial, crossbearing for Christ’s sake, is to be a part of their religious experience. They think it all right for them to be sustained and educated, and to spend money to gratify their desires for selfish indulgence. There is danger that these poor souls will never understand what it means to follow Christ in self-denial and bearing the cross and to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. They will be like a reed in the wind. Let the youth consider that they are deciding their own destiny for eternity by the character they form in this life.
The apostle, inspired by the Spirit of God, speaks on these points, and his words come down along the line to our time: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service; and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.” [Romans 12:1-3.]
There is great danger that parents and guardians, both by words and actions, will encourage self-esteem and self-importance in the youth. They pursue a course of petting, gratifying every whim, and thus foster the desire for self-gratification so that the youth receive a mold of character that unfits them for the commonplace duties of practical life. When these students come to our schools, they do not appreciate their privileges; they do not consider that the purpose of education is to qualify them for usefulness in this life and for the future life in the kingdom of God. They act as if the school were a place where they were to perfect themselves in sports, as if this was an important branch of their education, and they come armed and equipped for this kind of training. This is all wrong, from beginning to end. It is not in any way appropriate for this time; it is not qualifying the youth to go forth as missionaries, to endure hardship and privation, and to use their powers for the glory of God.
Amusement that serves as exercise and recreation is not to be discarded; nevertheless it must be kept strictly within bounds, else it leads to love of amusement for its own sake, and nourishes the desire for selfish gratification.
Is the life of Christ our Pattern? If this be so, guardians, parents of children and youth, make wise use of your entrusted means, for God has lent it to you to be a blessing, not a curse, to your children. Let none open a door of temptation to the youth by supplying them with means to use freely in gratifying their love of display or amusement. The true sons and daughters of God will employ every faculty in scattering blessings upon others. Those who are working in Christ’s lines will make their position in society a means of great good, instead of a temptation to ruin their own souls through self-exaltation. You are made stewards of God, and because He has put into your hands money in trust, you are not to spend it recklessly. While you indulge habits of prodigality, you are neglecting to shield and bless the fatherless and defenseless. You are neglecting to help the needy and destitute. You are absorbing means that would help others to obtain terms of education in our school. The Lord calls upon every one of you who has reasoning powers to consider your responsibilities and accountability. The Lord is soon to come. The talents of money and influence are in your hands for use or abuse. What are you doing with these talents?
Let all learn to save, to economize. Every dollar wasted on frivolous things, or given to special friends who will spend it to indulge pride and selfishness, is robbing God’s treasury.
The training and discipline you undergo in order to be successful in your games is not fitting you to become faithful soldiers of Jesus Christ, to fight His battles and gain spiritual victories. The money expended for garments to make a pleasing show in these match games is so much money that might have been used to advance the cause of God in new places, bringing the word of truth to souls in darkness of error. O, that God would give all the true sense of what it means to be a Christian! It is to be Christlike. He lived not to please Himself.
The Lord has presented before me many things and impressed upon me the dangers to which our young men are exposed through erroneous ideas. They are not to be taken up and carried like babies, petted and coddled, and supplied with money as though there was an abundance where that came from. Do not let them feel that there is a bank they can draw upon to supply every supposed want. Money is to be regarded as a gift entrusted to us of God to do His work, to build, up His kingdom. The youth are not to receive the impression that it can be used to gratify their desires. They should learn to restrict their desires.
Let not guardians or any whom God has entrusted with means act capriciously and injure our youth by leading them to feel they are to be assisted at every step in their scholastic life. They should not be relieved of all care and responsibility. They should learn to be self-reliant, self-sustaining. Let them find useful employment, humble though it may be, that will give their physical powers the exercise they need. Parents and guardians should give the youths a start and then let them understand that they must make the very best use of their own powers, improving their time in every way possible to help themselves; this will be as valuable an education as they can have. Useful physical labor in earning means to defray their own expenses as far as possible, will be greatly to their advantage. Their characters will possess far more real worth if they learn the lesson of self-denial in the school of poverty, as did Presidents Lincoln and Garfield. The best and greatest men, those who have stood boldly for the right, have been self-made men. They had not time to devote to idle amusement, no money to spend in equipping themselves for pugilistic performances. Among the most profitable lessons the youth can learn are those which teach them the value of money, and enable them to form habits of industry and economy.
In the instruction and training of the young, let the divine pattern be kept prominent—the life of Christ in childhood and youth. Let those who are engrossed in self-pleasing remember the toilsome life of the Son of God. He was a diligent worker. “Ye are laborers together with God.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] The instructors should keep it before their students that their life is to be a life of practical usefulness, as was the life of our Saviour. He condescended to come to our world to live the life of humanity, that He might give children and youth an example showing how they should live, the character they should form. He was of poor parentage, and He had no money to spend on foolish, selfish embellishments for display. He lived in a peasants’ home, and aided His parents in bearing the burdens of their common, daily toil. From the temple at Jerusalem where He had reminded them of His sonship to the Eternal, “he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” [Luke 2:51, 52.] Who was this? The Majesty of heaven. The Son of the Infinite God condescended to take humanity upon Himself, that He might give a perfect pattern of humanity for infancy, childhood, and youth. Then let every parent study the example of Christ and treat his children with great carefulness, lest he shall fail of forming their characters according to the Pattern. Let the teachers in our schools inculcate such ideas that the youth will ever have before them a correct example. God will help them in this work of molding and fashioning the human character after the similitude of the divine.
A great mistake has been made in following the world’s plans and ideas of recreation, in indulgence and pleasure-loving. This has resulted in loss every time. We need now to begin over again. It may be essential to lay the foundation of schools after the pattern of the schools of the prophets. It is so easy to drift into worldly plans and methods and customs and have no more thought of the time in which we live and the great work to be accomplished than had the people in Noah’s day. It is easy to be conformed to the world; but God bids us to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” [Romans 12:2.] The heavenly intelligences are waiting to cooperate with the human agent in reshaping his character according to the divine Model. Will the human agent do his God-given work, or will he bend all his efforts toward shaping the character after the worldly pattern? See 1 Corinthians 1:3-8.
Never flatter the youth with ideas of the great things they can do, nor lead them to think that they have not been appreciated in their home life. Point them to the ladder, Peter’s ladder of eight rounds, and place their feet, not on the highest round, but on the lowest, and with earnest solicitation urge them to climb to the very top; step by step they may climb to the top of this ladder. See 2 Peter 1:2-11.
In this Scripture is represented man’s cooperation with God in the plan of salvation. The apostle Paul presents it thus: “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” [Philippians 2:12, 13.] God works in and through the human agents. They become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. They are to work upon the plan of addition as set forth by Peter. Not that one grace is to be added after another, but all are to be manifest in the Christian character. “For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall be neither barren nor unfruitful.” “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things (adding constantly to the graces here mentioned), ye shall never fall. For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” [2 Peter 1:8, 10, 11.] Here is a life-insurance policy in which there can be no failure, for it is from the God of heaven. It assures us eternal life through growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The ladder is Christ, who connects earth with heaven. We are saved by climbing round after round of the ladder, looking to Christ, clinging to Christ, mounting step by step to the heights of Christ, so that He is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
It is no easy matter to gain the priceless treasure of eternal life. No one can do this and drift with the current of the world. He must come out from the world and be separate, and touch not the unclean. No one can act like worldlings without being carried down by the current of the world. No one will be borne upward without stern, persevering effort in the conflict. All must engage in this warfare for themselves; no one else can fight their battles. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12.] We have unseen foes to meet, evil men are agents for the powers of darkness to work through, and without spiritual discernment the soul will be ignorant of Satan’s devices, and be ensnared and stumble and fall. He who would overcome must hold fast to Christ. He must not look back, but keep the eye ever upward. Mount up by the Mediator, keeping hold of the Mediator, reaching upward to one line of work after another, making no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. There is no such thing as our entering into the heavenly portals through indulgence and folly, amusement, [and] selfishness, but only by constant watchfulness and unceasing prayer.
Spiritual vigilance on our part individually is the price of safety. Swerve not to Satan’s side a single inch, lest he gain advantage over you. He is playing the game of life for your souls. We may enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. We may lay hold of the hope set before us in the gospel. We may follow on to know the Lord, until we shall know that His goings forth are prepared as the morning. If we ever reach heaven, it will be by linking our souls to Christ, leaning incessantly upon Him, and cutting loose from the world, its follies and enchantments. There must be on our part a spiritual cooperation with the heavenly intelligences. We must believe and work and pray and watch and wait.
I would address the pupils of the school: Do not wait for a high-wrought state of feeling, but calmly view the whole ground and candidly consider whether you will be sons and daughters of God. Decide now, without delay, and in doing this you will have manifest evidence of the companionship and protection of all the heavenly intelligences. Angels of God are ascending and descending the mystic ladder, and God is above, the light of His glory shining down its entire length, comforting, encouraging all who are climbing faithfully by painful yet cheerful steps. Not one will fail who will perseveringly climb this ladder.
May the Lord guide you all, teachers and pupils and church members, to make diligent work for eternity. The end of all things is at hand. There is need now of men armed and equipped to battle for God. Please read Ezekiel 9. Who bear the sign, the mark of God in their foreheads? The men that sigh and cry for the abominations done in the midst of Jerusalem—among those that profess to be God’s people—not those who are engrossed in games for their selfish amusement. After the mark had been set upon this class—who are registered in the books of heaven as overcomers—by the angelic messenger of God, the command is given to the ministers of destruction: “Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women; but come not near any man upon whom is the mark. And begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.” [Verses 5, 6.] God grant that these solemn predictions which are so speedily to be fulfilled, may be impressed upon the hearts of all! See Revelation 7:1-4, 12-17; Zechariah 3.
Lt 49, 1893
Prescott, Brother and Sister [W. W.]
October 2, 1893
Dear Brother and Sister Prescott:
We have had a special burden of testimony to bear for the youth, and for the entire church, in regard to the manner in which they spend their holidays and the use they make of their money and of their time; and then there comes over from America a journal from Battle Creek filled with a description of their games played on the school grounds, as if it was essential that this particular knowledge should be transported to this country. And then when we have so few facilities furnished us, so little help in workers and of means, I am in great perplexity.
I expected to hear that a great work was done after the descent of the Holy Spirit, that there would be a going forth filled with zeal and love and deep devotion by the students to do real, good, through, well-organized efforts, under instructors, teaching them how to work to be a blessing to others.
There are ways that the time of the students can be employed that their young zeal and youthful ardor can be used to glorify God. Thus was it in the school of the prophets. All their powers were trained and consecrated to service. Here is education that we shall need in the day of trial coming upon us as a thief in the night, stealing unawares. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Revelation 3:2-4. Ephesians 6:10-18; Philippians 2:12-16; Titus 2:6-8, 11-15. I write you, referring to these scriptures. [I] have not time to write them out in full.
I want to say, I have seen Satan triumphing over the entering into his devices in games, plans which he will use to decoy souls to their everlasting ruin. Jesus also I saw looking with sadness upon His heritage, saying. “Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?” [Jeremiah 13:20.] Let us heed the words of warning given us. The great day of the Lord is upon us; it “cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinner thereof out of it.” [Isaiah 13:9.] Ezekiel 9. Let us consider these chapters. Zechariah 3. These are the things that are soon to be transacted and every soul needs to be preparing for these events.
I feel so ashamed that at the very heart of the work shall be the very things transacted that in influence lead to the forgetting of God, rather than to the remembrance of God. The example is carried to other countries, and we must meet and combat the influence, and our work made very much harder.
Many seem to have such exalted ideas of Battle Creek—that if they can only get to Battle Creek they are next to heaven; then after they see and become so disappointed, they have things to say which we try to correct and yet can not do it as we ought to be able to do it. We are afraid the lessons of education obtained in mixing the silver with the dross in practice, the wine with the water, will be in its effects similar to the wine of Babylon.
O, I see, I sense the danger. I am weighed down with sorrow. And yet if people have crowded patronage, I fear that they will interpret this as the evidence that they must keep on enlarging, adding building to building. God will, just as surely as they continue in this way, do to Battle Creek as He did to the Jews, let a scourge come upon them in Battle Creek that will drive them out, and send them humbled in spirit to work and walk in humble paths, that as they shall draw nigh to God, the light shall not be confined largely to one location; but the standard of truth shall be lifted in many places nigh and far off.
Lt 61, 1893
Van Horn, I. D.
George’s Terrace, Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria
January 20, 1893
Dear Brother,
I am happy to report that I am much improved in health. The conference just closed has been in every sense a success. The Lord has placed His own imprint upon mind, and many have received instruction that is of the highest value to them. The Lord has given me His grace and power to sustain me in all my labors, both in speaking and in writing.
I want to say a few words to you, to tell you some things which burden my heart. You are represented to me as not walking and working in the light as you think you are doing. Again and again has the Lord presented before me the Minneapolis meeting. The developments there are but dimly seen by some, and the same fog which enveloped their minds on that occasion has not been dispelled by the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness. Notwithstanding the evidences of the power of God which attended the truth which was shining forth at that meeting, there were those who did not comprehend it. In the blessings that have since accompanied the presentation of the truth, justification by faith and the imputed righteousness of Christ, they have not discerned increased evidence from God as to where and how He is and has been working.
You have not drunk from the full cup presented to you, that you could in every respect be giving the trumpet a certain sound. Elder Butler, Elder Smith, and yourself have been presented to me as standing in a similar position. While you have not openly opposed the work the Lord Himself has been doing, you have held yourself aloof from the very ones with whom you should have been closely related. If you had been walking in the light, you would have drunk of the cup full of the wine of truth that has been held to your lips; but no, you have but in a partial way been in harmony with the work that brethren Jones and Waggoner have under God been doing, to bring up the church to understand their true state and come to the supper prepared for them. The richest blessings from heaven have been proffered, but as represented in the parable, many have clung to their old citizen’s dress, not accepting the dress prepared for them by the Lord Jesus Christ.
I know that Elder Smith, Elder Butler, and Elder Van Horn have been losing the richest privileges of heavenly enlightenment, because the spirit and impressions that were entertained before the Minneapolis meeting, and in a large degree cherished since that time, have kept them in a position where, when good cometh, they have had little appreciation of the same. I am so sorry for you, my brother; you have worked hard, but the wisdom which the Lord giveth to run like fine threads of gold through all your ministerial labor has been wanting. No greater light or evidence will come to any one of you except to Elder Butler. He has not been directly in the channel where light from the throne has come upon him.
The Lord looks with compassion upon you all but in a special sense upon Elder Butler. Both Elder Smith and yourself have had opportunities of the highest order, but neither of you has improved the privilege of opening the chambers of your mind and withdrawing the curtain from the soul temple, that the train of the glory of God might illuminate heart and mind. There is no reason that either of you can offer before the great white throne, when the Lord shall ask you, “Why did you not unite your interests with the messengers I sent? Why did you not accept the message I sent through my servants? Why did you watch these men to find something to question and doubt, when you should have accepted the message that bore the imprint of the Most High?”
God does not commend the position that any one of you three representative men has taken. You think you are standing at your post of duty, firm as rock; but God has not told you to stand where you are. The command is, “Go forward, and I will be with you; I will go before you, I will be your front-guard, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rereward.” The richest beams of light have been shining from the throne of God directly upon you, but you have slighted and (shall I say it? painful it is to me, but I cannot forbear,) refused it as strange fire.
Had the divine Spirit anything to do with your prejudice at Minneapolis? Anything to do with the spirit that led to action there? No; God was not in that work. I was led from room to room occupied by our brethren at that meeting, and heard that of which every one will one day be terribly ashamed, if it is not until the judgment, when every work will appear in its true light. In the room occupied by you there was a Witness, and in the rooms of others there was a Witness to every remark made—the ungodly jest, the satire, the sarcasm, the wit—the Lord God of heaven was displeased with you, and with every one who shared in the merriment, and in the hard, unimpressible spirit. An influence was exerted that was satanic. Some souls will be lost in consequence.
Why did you not receive the testimony the Lord sent you through Sister White? Why have you not harmonized with the light God has given you? Is this spirit to continue to the end of probation? Is there nothing that will be evidence to you as to where God is at work? Can you not discern who has the message to give to the people for this time?
Elder Van Horn, you need the quickening influence of the Spirit of God. You need the life-giving power from on high. You have set discourses which you have given the people for years; if these could, to a great extent, be banished from your mind, and you come to the school of Christ to learn of Him as a little child, O, what light, what power, what love, what grace and joy, would flood your soul. But you have not seen your need, you have not felt your want, and your labors have not been, could not be, as God would have them, full of marrow and fatness. God has offered you fresh manna for the people, but you yourself have eaten only what you chose to eat, and have given the same to the people. They have not, as a general thing, had the education and instruction it was their right to have for the present time.
I have had a great desire that you and Adelia should keep step with your leader, the Captain of the Lord’s host. Your ideas are stereotyped, and you need, O so much, to have the imprint of the divine Spirit upon your spirit. I have been shown the necessity of your rising higher and standing in the clear sunlight of the Lord’s presence. You are not in the position the Lord would be pleased to have you occupy.
Elder Smith is not in the position in reference to the work and his connection with the cause of God that he ought to be in with the light he has had. Elder Butler and some others who have acted a prominent part in the cause have really been standing in the way of others, and have retarded the work. If Elder Smith was standing in the clear light, he would give the trumpet a certain sound in perfect harmony with the angel of (Revelation 18), who is to lighten the earth with his glory. Now is the time when we may look for just such a message as has been coming to us.
Think you, my brother, if the Lord has raised up men to give to the world a message to the people to prepare them to stand in the great day of God, that any one could by their influence stop the work and close the mouth of the messengers? No; if every human agent should hold his peace, a voice would be put into the stones, and they would cry out. The message would go in greater and still greater power. And shall such men as Elder Smith, Elder Butler, and yourself be left behind in the special message and work for this time to carry the people forward and upward to a higher, holier state of spirituality?
Is the work that has been going on since the Minneapolis meeting of God? If not, it is of another spirit. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” [Matthew 7:20.] I know that the Lord is in this work, and no one can silence the messenger whom God sends, or repress the message. The Lord will be heard through His human agencies. And if any man refuses to accept the light and walk in it, that light will not continue to shine upon him. “I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works: or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” [Revelation 2:4, 5.]
My brethren are well aware that the Word of God presents the matter of church unity as a principle; those who are united to Christ by the truth of heavenly origin should have strong friendship for one another. And this is not all. “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.” “These things I command you, that ye love one another.” [John 15:11, 12, 17.] The love of Christ must come into the church and be cherished by every member as a precious plant. If the branches of the vine are united to the parent stock, the same life dwells in them all.
In Christ Jesus there is love, and those who are united to Christ will not have merely a tame, common regard as acquaintances, but true, sincere love for one another, because they are endued with the spirit of Christ. This drawing off from one another is not Christlike, but it is after Satan’s order. Love is not a mere simple regard, but a living principle; not a temporary emotion, but a permanent power. We drink it in fresh from the fountain of love that flows from the cross of Calvary. We are quickened by this love. “I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved me.” [John 17:23.] Quickened by this love, the power of the Holy Spirit, we learn to love one another in and through Christ Jesus—truly, sincerely, unaffectedly.
The light is shining; it will not, cannot, be eclipsed. It will continue to shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day; but those who close their eyes that they shall not see, and their ears that they shall not hear, and harden their hearts that they shall not receive the rays of heavenly light, will be left to walk in darkness; and he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. He thinks he is walking in safe paths, but he deceives his own soul.
I am distressed when I think of these brethren whom I love in the Lord, and who are not taking a Bible course as presented in the lessons of Christ, to be one as Christ is one with the Father, that, according to the prayer of Christ, the Father may love them as He loves His only begotten Son. The divine imprint is not on any man’s work who does not exercise every faculty God has given him to answer the prayer of Christ for complete unity.
These who present before the world apparent differences, while they make no effort to see eye to eye by coming together as brethren to search the Scriptures, with the spirit of a little child, are not working in the lines in which Christ worked, and His Holy Spirit will not endorse their work.
There are peculiar temperaments that are easily thrown off the track, and when they get under the controlling power of temptation, they require to be helped. This is the case of Bro. Foster, who has been a reader of the Review for some years. He saw the articles by Elder Jones on the formation of the image, and was greatly blessed in reading them. Then came Elder Smith’s article opposed to Elder Jones. This brought him into trial just before the Week of Prayer. I had a long talk with him, for he came to me to tell his feelings, poor man.
Through the Lord’s Spirit, I spoke words to comfort him. He made some statement in reference to the meeting at Minneapolis, and I had to explain a little of that matter, just as the Lord had presented it to me. I do not want these burdens repeated that were forced upon me in Minneapolis and Battle Creek. Some may take explanations in the right way, because the Spirit of the Lord is abiding with them, but to other minds everything is perverted by the enemy.
Elder Smith’s action in publishing Elder Jones’ article, and then his own directly opposite, is presenting to our opponents broken ranks instead of a united front, and turning the weapons of warfare against our brethren. What kind of policy is this for Seventh-day Adventists? What does the True Witness say of such workers? Is it not time that a different order of things should come in? Is it of no account whether men heed the words of Christ or work away from them, showing that they have more confidence in their own judgment than in the words of our Lord and Saviour? Think you that this would be so if the children of God loved one another as Christ has loved them? “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” [John 13:34, 35.] See Romans 12:9. “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.” [1 Timothy 1:5.] “See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.” [1 Peter 1:22.]
Do we practice the Word of God in this particular? I say we do not do this as God has directed. Among the talents we receive from God is the mysterious power of influence. There is a peculiar power in the influence of friend on friend, which is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Like the air we inhale, it may be laden with fragrance or with fatal poison. In familiar conversation, in the interchange of thought and feeling, an influence is exerted that is potent for good or for evil. It is highly essential that a Christian should on all occasions use his influence for right. With what holy jealousy ought each one of us to keep guard over his thoughts, his disposition, that every jot of influence may be wholly on the Lord’s side.
We are living in critical times. Satan’s power over the human agents is great to destroy. The Lord in His great mercy is a Restorer, the very opposite of Satan. Our brethren who lead out in bearing responsibilities should realize the danger of viewing things solely from their own standpoint and thinking they have the mind of God and see things as He sees them. The Lord give us His mind and will to correct every possible mistake in ourselves. Brethren of the same faith should cherish a noble Christian friendship and sincere love for Jesus and those who love Jesus. The unaffected humility of a mind taught of God will be evidenced by love for the brethren.
I plead with you, dear brother, take off thy shoes from off thy feet, and walk softly before God. Snares and perils surround us. Let us individually be sure that we possess and manifest the religion of love, not of bigotry. Catch every ray of light from heaven, and let it shine before men. But we must be sure that it is true light. There is a broad, clear line drawn by the eternal God between the children of God and the children of the wicked one. We must be wide awake now, for it was while men slept that the tares were sown among the wheat. The time is soon to come when we shall discern between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.
Let us press together. Let us love one another. O, that all this Pharisaical coldness might come to an end, and our hearts burn with the ardor of God’s love. We must not disparage the Lord’s message or His messengers. We are all to be judged by our Lord Jesus Christ, and let us not judge one another. We must not lose the crown of life. We must press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Much love to your wife and children. I would love to see you all, and hope I may again meet my friends in America.
Lt 103, 1893
Amadon, Brother and Sister
Bank’s Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand
June 15, 1893
Dear Brother and Sister Amadon:
I received and read with deep interest Brother Amadon’s letter. I sincerely thank you for writing so fully in regard to our old hands. I thank you any time that you can write; I shall be glad to hear from you. I am sorry, so sorry for Katy. Oh that God may touch the heart of Fred, for he will need a Saviour by and by. Tell Kate to keep her hand in the hand of Jesus and He will hold her, that her feet shall not slide.
I am pressed continually with work, and I am frequently up at three o’clock writing, and seldom ever later than five o’clock. The Lord does strengthen me and keep me as I put my trust in Him. I have everything to be grateful for, and I will not murmur or complain, for His lovingkindness changeth not.
Satan may seek to obtain control over us, but just as long as we look to Jesus and trust in Him, we are perfectly safe. We are kept by the power of God, through faith, and that not of ourselves, for even faith is the gift of God. I am happy in the love of God. I long for His salvation. I know I love Jesus, and I long to see the King in His beauty.
Oh, how thankful I am that Jesus has revealed Himself unto you in Battle Creek! I hope and pray that the church in Battle Creek may follow on to know the Lord until they shall know His goings forth are prepared as the morning. Light, precious light, is to shine upon God’s commandment-loving people. Satan meditates their destruction but Jesus has thoughts of mercy upon them. Then let there not be one doleful note sounded, for the church is the special object of His care and of His love. Talk faith; always talk hope; talk courage.
You may be sure Satan will make desperate efforts, after this evidence of the power of God, to get standingroom in your midst; but you are perfectly and entirely safe from his power if you walk humbly with God. “In my Father’s house are many mansions”—permanent, abiding. “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go … I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” [John 14:2, 3.]
The same precious hope which gladdened the heart of Abraham brings joy to the hearts of the children of Abraham. Every soul of us stands by faith, happy in hope. We are seeking a better country, even an heavenly, “a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” [Hebrews 11:10.] Oh, that the church in Battle Creek could discern by faith the eternal weight of glory that is the reward to be given to every overcomer. Bless God, oh my soul.
P.S. What more could a God do for us than He has already done? He has led us along so tenderly, shielded us so lovingly, and He is our precious Redeemer. We want hearts full of love and full of gratitude, and His praise on our lips continually. Jesus lives, and because He lives we shall live also. May the Lord bless you as a family abundantly.